About South West Gno Skillnet

South West Gnó Skillnet is a unique training and learning network that improves the overall competitiveness of its member companies in the South West and the Gaeltachtaí.

The network promotes the importance of training as a tool for business development by providing unique, inexpensive, practical training on a vast range of skill areas. The network promotes best practice and organized networking opportunities allow for the sharing of industry knowledge.

If you would like to know more about the network email us at [email protected]

Network Steering Group

A sample of companies from the network membership.

The steering group committee has been established in accordance to the distribution of the various companies within the different regions and industrial sectors. Generally speaking there was a large willingness by many of the member companies to become involved in the steering committee.

The main factors that were taken into consideration when choosing the steering group were willingness to be involved, ability to give time commitment, level of involvement in training to-date (in some cases) as well as sectoral and geographical factors. Members of the steering group will be required to liaise frequently with member companies in their specific sector / region.

Steering Group

Páidí O’Sé
Cathaoirleach & Network Promoter
Comharchumann Forbartha Chorca Dhuibhne Teo.
Katie Kerin
Network Manager
Bríd Lucey
Network Co-ordinator
Oonagh McGregor
Steering group member
Killarney Chamber of Tourism & Commerce
Hannah Ní Chonghaile
Steering group member
Comharchumann Forbartha Chorca Dhuibhne Teo
Ann O’Leary
Steering group member
Gleneagle Hotel
Duncan Woolridge & Tom Argent
Steering group member
Aghadoe Heights Hotel
James Crothall
Steering group member
AMO Digital
Katherine Murphy
Steering group member
O’Carroll Engineering
Lorraine Sheahan
Steering group member
Cahernane Hotel
Rút Ní Mhurchú
Steering group member
Oifigeach Pleanála Teanga at Dúchas an Daingin
John A O’Leary & Noreen Dineen
Steering group members
Alps Electric (Ireland) Ltd.
Anthony Brereton
Steering group member
Cremur Heating
Shinead Murphy
Steering group member
ENERCON Windfarm Services Ireland Ltd
Margaret Flannery
Steering group member
Murphys Ice Cream Ltd.
Milandi Basel
Steering group member
The Ashe & Manor West Hotels.

Network Promoter - CFCD Group

Comharchumann Forbartha Chorca Dhuibhne Teo. - www.cfcd.ie

The CFCD Group is an accredited FETAC centre and offers a wide range of qualifications on the National Framework of Qualifications.

A development co-operative based in Baile an Fhirtéaraigh, An Daingean, Co. Kerry. The co-operative has been in existence for over 40 years and has had much success in Gaeltacht development over this period.

Network Members

A program to maintain interaction between members and their involvement in the activities of the network has been developed, administered by the Network Manager and supervised by the Steering Group.

The Network Manager with guidance and supervision from the Steering Group will co-ordinate the activities arising from training programmes, hiring consultants, evaluation and audits and the acquisition of any certifications.

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