South West Gnó Skillnet has continuously delivered high-quality training programmes to unemployed trainees for more than a decade. This training has provided the skills and qualifications required by participants to secure employment.
Skills Connect Programmes 2025:
QQI Level 5 Healthcare Support Major Award Programmes.
QQI Level 5 Healthcare Support Component Certificates Programmes.
The QQI Healthcare Support Major Award is designed to give those wishing to work in the healthcare
system a thorough grounding in the necessary skills. The course is relevant and highly practical, with
each module focusing on a specific area of care. Successful completion of this course provides a
recognised qualification necessary for working as a health care assistant in a variety of settings, including
hospitals, day and residential care and the home. It also enables the learner to progress to further and or
higher education and training.
The QQI Level 5 Healthcare Support Major Award is made up of 8 components (5 mandatory and 3
elective) and each carries a value of 15 credits, giving a total of 120 credits for the full award.
Modules Required Include:
Mandatory Components:
Care Skills (5N2770)
Care Support (5N0758)
Safety and Health at Work (5N1794)
Work Experience (5N1356)
Communications (5N0690)
Elective Components:
Infection Prevention & Control (5N3734
Palliative Care Support (5N3769)
Care of the Older Person (5N2706)
If you wish to train as a Healthcare Assistant please register your interest below.
Further details of Skills Connect and the eligibility criteria can be found on the Skillnet Ireland Website.
Bookings are closed for this event.