South West Gnó is delighted to sponsor Coaching Development’s eighth Alum day on May 28th, 2022. It’s a wonderful opportunity to engage in a session with Trevor Doherty in the morning on Performance Coaching for Enterprise Excellence and in the afternoon with Lucy Gernon sharing her learning on how to attract clients through social media. Finally, Ailbhe Harrington will be sharing some learning on how to manage your energy as an empath/highly sensitive coach and some reflections on understanding our relationship with money.
Alum Day May 28th
Face-to-Face in the Education Centre Portlaoise if all is safe to meet* and if not online via Zoom – TBC closer to the date. Please respond if you definitely will come if we are face to face, as we will be limited to 55/60
Plan for the Day
09.30-10.00 Arrive and mingle face to face (breakout rooms if on Zoom) 10.00-10.20 Brief introduction and set up for the day
10.20-11.20 Trevor’s session
11.20 -11.35 Short break 11.35-12.45 Trevor’s session 12.45-13.45 Lunch break
13.45-15.00 Lucy’s session
15.00-15.45 Ailbhe’s Session
15.45-16.00 Reflection and wrap up
16.00-17.00 Networking time (if we are face to face)
* Please do not attend the face to face training if you have, or have had, within 7 days preceding the event:
• A high temperature;
• A loss or change to your sense of smell or taste;
• A new continuous cough (for more than an hour or 3 or more coughing episodes in the preceding 24 hours;
• Close contact with a person declared positive.
Performance Coaching for Enterprise Excellence
Learn a Coaching approach that develops People to improve any Business.
Trevor Doherty
Professional Certified Coach
About: With over two decades working in multinationals across various sectors as a Lean Practitioner, People Manager, Strategic Thinker & Influencer, Trevor will shine a light on the coaching opportunity that brings the heart into any lean deployment or continuous improvement effort.
Attracting clients through social media who will pay you high prices as a coach
Lucy Gernon
Professonal Coach
About: After two decades in industry, Lucy left the corporate world in 2021 to pursue her coaching business full-time. After many failed attempts and lessons learned, Lucy has designed a proven strategy to attract and convert her ideal clients to high-paying customers (for real!). Within the first month of Lucy leaving the corporate world, she had replaced her corporate income and had over 250 prospects on her leads list. Lucy will share lessons learned and 3 secrets to help you fill your calendar with ideal clients who pay high prices to work with you
Secret #1 How to determine your ideal client and offer
Secret #2 Creating a website that converts
Secret #3 How to use social media to attract dream clients that pay you without questioning your prices
This event is free to South West Gnó members.
Register your interest below.
Bookings are closed for this event.