Programme Aim
The aim of the programme is to enhance the critical skills, knowledge and attitudes of learners to facilitate ‘on the job’ learning opportunities using emotional intelligence and foster competent, self-sufficient and self-regulating teams and individuals.
At the end of the this programme participants will be able to:
List what excellent team members do really well.
Achieve a quantum leap in emotional intelligence in order to enhance, connect, motivate and engage teams and individuals by focusing on their strengths and forgiving them their short-comings.
Apply a range of mentoring strategies for imparting skills, knowledge and attitudes resulting in teams and individuals becoming more self-sufficient and self-regulating, including • Situational leadership • IDIPES (best practice for training people on a one to one basis) • Constructive feedback with a difference.
Unit Plan
The programme will include the following units:
Unit 1 Emotional Intelligence
1.1 Howard Gardener’s Multiple Intelligences
1.2 Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Intelligence
1.3 Making Intelligence work for you
Unit 2 Fostering Self-Sufficient and Self-Regulating Teams
2.1 Defining what is competent, self-sufficient and self-regulating
2.2 Situational Leadership – best practice in mentoring and delegating with confidence
2.3 Coaching and Facilitating techniques
2.4 IDIPES – Best practice for imparting skills on a one-to-one basis
2.5 Constructive Feedback with a difference
The programme is delivered in a highly participatory manner applying the 80:20 Rule, whereby, the trainer aims to achieve 80% of the content from the participants and deliver the further 20% content omitted. This is a rule of thumb and varies dramatically. A range of interactive tools are employed to ensure focus, action orientation and balanced participation. The programme is delivered in a light-hearted manner and focuses on relevant skills, knowledge and attitudes that deliver results.
Training Provider: MCX Training & Development
This programme is being run for one of our member companies.
If this is of interest to you or indeed for any training requirements you may have please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Bookings are closed for this event.