The HR Forum was established by South West Gnó Skillnet to afford HR managers the opportunity to meet up and discuss relevant topics & issues. The network encourages members to take ownership of the forum to ensure the forum addresses their specific needs. This allows members to set the agenda and to discuss mission critical ideas & issues.
The forum provides and facilitates the following opportunities:
- Networking & meeting new members
- Knowledge, Policies & Documentation Exchanges
- Updates on new legislation
- Guest Speakers on topical issues
The forum is an informal meeting which also allows HR Managers to share experiences, challenges and information on various HR topics.
These forums meet on a quarterly basis or alternatively a guest speaker is arranged for a specific topic of interest.
Members are encouraged to collaborate in a very meaningful way through the sharing of information and experiences at these forums. These forums allow South West Gnó Skillnet to stay in touch with members and remain responsive to their needs.
The Forum is open to network members with a keen interest in HR issues.
- Sole Traders
- HR Managers
- HR administrators
- Anyone dealing with HR
Please feel free to contact the network Manager if you are interested in joining the group.
The information provided during the HR Forum is of a general, broad, and wide-spread nature and cannot substitute for the advice of a licensed professional. A competent authority with specialised knowledge is the only one who can address the specific circumstances of your predicament. We can try, but this disclaimer frees us of any liability if negative consequences result from our efforts. Nothing in the minutes or during the forum should be construed as professional advice.
Confidentiality is an essential part of any Forum. The forum is built around trust amongst members and all discussions, information & policies exchanged during the Forum is confidential.
Bookings are closed for this event.