
27/01/2023 - 23/06/2023    
9:00 am - 5:30 pm


Bookings closed

Event Type

Professional Coach Training

An exciting new Level 1 programme for aspiring coaches.
The Aspire to Coach Academy is excited to launch a core coaching skills programme. This100-hour Level 1 programme will teach students foundational coaching skills and is ideal for leaders, managers and those who aspire to become professional coaches.

Using a blend of classroom and self-paced learning, participants will develop the necessary skills and competencies to be an effective professional coach.

Master Certified and Professional Certified coaches will guide students through an experiential learning experience. Each day, students will not only learn how to be a coach but will also practice and develop their coaching skills. In addition, each participant receives individual feedback and observation at each stage to help them grow and excel.

The International Coaching Federation is currently introducing changes to its accredited training and coach credentialing process. Our programme is currently undergoing accreditation as a Level 1 training programme.

This means that participants who successful graduate from the programme will be able to apply to the ICF for an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) credential once they have logged 100 hours of coaching experience.

Each module is delivered via Zoom. The entire programme, including the final evaluations, will take around 6 – 7 months to complete.

Between each module there will additional self-paced learning activities as well as peer coaching practice.

What’s included
A total of 100 training hours split between 69 hours of synchronous learning and 31 hours of asynchronous learning.
This will include prep work for each module, watching demos, reading, peer coaching, journalling, answering multiple choice quizzes and reflected essays/assignments.

Also included is 10 hours of coach mentoring, with three hours of mentoring being delivered on an individual basis. This involves evidence based feedback on how you’re working with real coaching clients.

Spring 2023
27th January*, 10th & 11th February, 10th & 11th March, 21st & 22nd April, 12th May & 9th & 10th June 2023 and 23rd June**.

Autumn 2023
25th August*, 8th & 9th Sept 2023, 6th & 7th Oct 2023, 10th & 11th Nov 2023, 1st Dec 2023 and 12th & 13th Jan 2024 and 26th January 2024**

Each training day runs from 09:00 – 17:30 with time for breaks and lunch except those marked * which run from 09:00-10:30 and ** which run from 09:00-12:00.

For this Level 1 programme is €4,500.
SWG Skillnet Members can avail of 30% funding. Please register your interest below.

Training Provider
Aspire Coach Training


We are applying to the International Coaching Federation for Level 1 accreditation.


Bookings are closed for this event.

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